Best of all, Merry will be 50% off until Monday at SNP! Whoot!
I bet you can't wait to see what our CT did with this kit. THEY ARE AWESOME!!! Don't forget to click through if you want to grab the amazing freebies they've made you as well. If someone's post isn't up yet, have a little patience. We are all on different time zones and it will be there soon if not already.
(both of these lovelies are available on Wendy's blog)
I also have a freebie for you but wanted to give you one last look at the kit and remind you that it's 50% off until Monday!
If you leave Wendy a comment on this post, she might even send you a coupon to get it for free! The more comments, the more winners! Whoot! Winners to be announced on Sunday morning so get your comments in by Saturday night!
And last freebie from me.
Have a great day!