There are so many exciting things from Wendy Tunison Designs to tell you about today! Let's get right to it! The Featured Designer Grab Bag has been unpacked and you can now pick up each piece individually!
This & That
Save The Date
In A Letter
Temptations Vol 2
And on top of that, she's got 4 awesome new releases for you this week too!
Tickle The Earth
Check out what our ct did with this kit!
Extreme Chipboard
And a few more lovely pages from our CT...
I Was Framed
and last but not least, In A Mood
Don't forget to stop in at the SNP forum to play in the Featured Designer Challenges and back at Wendy's blog on Friday to pick up some beautiful ct freebies from Tickle The Earth! And don't forget that Wendy's entire store is 40% off through the end of the month!